Log in / Log out

When you are not logged into Swarm, certain features are unavailable to you, such as providing comments to changes or reviews, adding projects, and more.

To log in

  1. Click the Log in link found at the right of the main toolbar:

  2. Type in your username and password, appropriate for the Helix Versioning Engine that Swarm is configured to use.

  3. Check Remember Me if you prefer to stay logged in between browser restarts.


    The Helix Versioning Engine can enforce maximum login times. You may become logged out even if Remember Me is checked.

  4. Click the Login button.


Whenever you log in, Swarm continues displaying the same page. Any features available to logged-in users appear automatically.

To log out

  1. userid in toolbar Click your userid, found at the right of the main toolbar.

  2. Logout selected Select Log out from the drop-down menu.


By default, Swarm requires users to login, which prevents anonymous users from accessing a Helix Versioning Engine via Swarm. Users who have not logged in see a login page immediately when visiting Swarm:

Swarm administrators can disable require_login to allow anonymous users to see commits, reviews, etc.


service and operator users are not permitted to login.

For more information on these user types, see the Perforce System Administrator's Guide.