function [A_opt,L_opt,Res] = modkmeans(X,K_range,opts) %MODKMEANS Modified K-means algorithm. % Implementation of the Modified K-means algorithm, with optional % smoothing of segments as described in [1]. This implementation use the % same terminology as used in ICA litetrature, i.e. X = AZ + e. The % implementation follows the steps as given in [1]. Note that the % non-active microstates in "Z" are not set zero. % A new and optimised method for segmentation is also available. This % method and upholds the same model assumptions, but has a different % iteration scheme. Preliminary tests show that this method is faster and % is even slightly better at representing EEG with microstates. See [2] % for more information. % Explained variance is used to choose amongst multiple restarts, after % smoothing, for the same number of microstates (K). To find the % optimal number of microstates the modified predictive residual variance, % sig2_mcv from [1] is used. % % [1] - Pascual-Marqui, R. D., Michel, C. M., & Lehmann, D. (1995). % Segmentation of brain electrical activity into microstates: model % estimation and validation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical % Engineering. % [2] - Poulsen, A. T., Pedroni, A., Langer, N., & Hansen, L. K. % (unpublished manuscript). Microstate EEGlab toolbox: An % introductionary guide. % % Please cite this toolbox as: % Poulsen, A. T., Pedroni, A., Langer, N., & Hansen, L. K. (2018). % Microstate EEGlab toolbox: An introductionary guide. bioRxiv. % % Andreas Trier Poulsen, % Technical University of Denmark, Cognitive systems - February 2017 % % Inputs % X - EEG (channels x samples). % K_range - A priori number of microstates. Can be a vector. % % Optional inputs % opts. % b - Smoothing width. Denotes the samples on each side % of current sample (default: 0). Setting to zero % turns smoothing off. % lambda - Smoothing weight (default: 5). % reps - Number of random initialisations of algorithm % (default: 10). % max_iterations - Maximum number of iterations of algorithm % (default: 1000). % thresh - Threshold of convergence based on relative change % in noise variance (default: 1e-6). % verbose - Print status messages to command window? % (default:1). % fitmeas - Readying measure of fit for selecting best % segmentation. 'CV': Crossvalidation criterion, % 'GEV': Global explained variance, 'dispersion': % Dispersion of clusters. (Default: 'CV'). % optimised - Use the new and optimised segmentation introduced % in [2]? (Default: 0). % % Outputs % A_opt - Spatial distribution of microstates (channels x K). % L_opt - Label of the most active microstate at each timepoint (1 x samples). % Res - Struct containing additional results: % .Z_all - Cell containing the microstate activations for each number of % microstates defined in K_range. The dimensions of each cell % is (K x samples). % .A_all - Cell containing the spatial distribution for each number of % microstates defined in K_range. The dimensions of each cell % is (channels x K). % .L_all - Cell containing the labels for each number of microstates % defined in K_range. The dimensions of each cell is % (1 x samples). % .R2 - Explained variance for the best solution of each K in K_range. % .sig2_modk - Noise variance for the best solution of each K in K_range. % .sig2_modk_mcv - Modified predictive residual variance of best solution % of each K in K_range. % .MSE - Mean squared error for the best solution of each K in K_range. % .K_act - Number of microstates for optimal solution. % .opts - Settings used to run the algorithm. %% Initialising and checking optional inputs const1 = sum(sum(X.^2)); C = size(X,1); % Checking inputs and setting default settings, where needed. if nargin<3; opts = []; end if nargin<2; K_range = 3:8; end if ~isfield(opts,'reps'), opts.reps = 10; end if ~isfield(opts,'max_iterations'), opts.max_iterations = 1000; end if ~isfield(opts,'verbose'), opts.verbose = 1; end if ~isfield(opts,'thresh'), opts.thresh = 1e-6; end if ~isfield(opts,'lambda'), opts.lambda = 5; end if ~isfield(opts,'b'), opts.b = 0; end if ~isfield(opts,'fitmeas'), opts.fitmeas = 'CV'; end fitmeas = opts.fitmeas; if ~isfield(opts,'optimised'), opts.optimised = 0; end if opts.b==0 % Checking if smoothing is requested opts.smooth = 0; else opts.smooth = 1; end %% Preallocating N_K = length(K_range); A_all = cell(N_K,1); L_all = cell(N_K,1); Z_all = cell(N_K,1); R2_all = nan(N_K,1); MSE_all = nan(N_K,1); sig2_all = nan(N_K,1); %% Readying measure of fit for selecting best segmentation switch fitmeas case 'GEV' GFP = std(X); GFP_const = sum(GFP.^2); GEV_opt = 0; case 'CV' sig2_mcv_opt = inf; case 'dispersion' W_opt = inf; otherwise error('Unknown measuref of fit requested: %s',fitmeas) end new_best = 0; %% Looping over all K values in K_range K_ind = 0; if opts.verbose if opts.optimised algo_str = 'the new and optimised '; else algo_str = ''; end if opts.smooth smooth_str = 'with'; else smooth_str = 'without'; end fprintf('Starting %smodified K-means %s temporal smoothing.\n',... algo_str, smooth_str) end for K = K_range K_ind = K_ind + 1; if opts.verbose fprintf('Analysis no. %i out of %i. Starting %i random initialisations for %i microstates.\n'... ,K_ind,N_K,opts.reps, K) end % Finding best fit amongst a given number of restarts based on selected % measure of fit switch fitmeas case 'GEV' GEV_best = 0; case 'CV' sig2_all(K_ind) = inf; case 'dispersion' W_best = inf; end for r = 1:opts.reps if opts.verbose fprintf('Starting initialisations no. %i out of %i. '... ,r,opts.reps) end if opts.optimised % The new and optimised Basic N-Microstate Algorithm (see [2]) [A,L,Z,sig2,R2,MSE,ind] = opt_segment(X,K,const1,opts); else % The original Basic N-Microstate Algorithm (Table I in [1]) [A,L,Z,sig2,R2,MSE,ind] = segmentation(X,K,const1,opts); end if opts.verbose fprintf('Finished in %i iterations. ',ind) end % The Segmentation Smoothing Algorithm (Table II) if opts.smooth if opts.verbose fprintf('Smoothing... ') end [L,sig2,R2,MSE,ind] = smoothing(X,A,K,const1,opts); if opts.verbose fprintf('Smoothing done in %i iterations.\n',ind) end else if opts.verbose, fprintf('\n'), end end % Checking for best fit. switch fitmeas case 'GEV' map_corr = columncorr(X,A(:,L)); GEV = sum((GFP.*map_corr).^2) / GFP_const; if GEV > GEV_best, new_best = 1; GEV_best = GEV; end case 'CV' % We use sig2 instead of R2 as they are proportional if sig2 < sig2_all(K_ind), new_best = 1; sig2_all(K_ind) = sig2; end case 'dispersion' W = calc_dispersion(X,L,K); if W < W_best, new_best = 1; W_best = W; end end if new_best A_all{K_ind} = A; L_all{K_ind} = L; sig2_all(K_ind) = sig2; Z_all{K_ind} = Z; R2_all(K_ind) = R2; MSE_all(K_ind) = MSE; new_best = 0; end end sig2_mcv(K_ind) = sig2_all(K_ind) * ((C-1)^-1 * (C-1-K))^-2; % Checking for best fit for different values of K. switch fitmeas case 'GEV' if GEV_best > GEV_opt, new_best = 1; GEV_opt = GEV_best; end case 'CV' % We use sig2 instead of R2 as they are proportional if sig2_mcv(K_ind) < sig2_mcv_opt, new_best = 1; sig2_mcv_opt = sig2_mcv(K_ind); end case 'dispersion' if W_best < W_opt, new_best = 1; W_opt = W_best; end end if new_best A_opt = A_all{K_ind}; L_opt = L_all{K_ind}; K_act = K; new_best = 0; end end %% Saving additional results and info to Res struct Res.Z_all = Z_all; Res.A_all = A_all; Res.L_all = L_all; Res.R2 = R2_all; Res.MSE = MSE_all; Res.sig2_modk = sig2_all; Res.sig2_modk_mcv = sig2_mcv; Res.K_act = K_act; Res.opts = opts; end function [A,L,Z,sig2,R2,MSE,ind] = segmentation(X,K,const1,opts) % Implementation of the Basic N-Microstate Algorithm, as described in % Table I of [1]. %% Initialising (step 1 and 2a 3) [C,N] = size(X); % Reading settings max_iterations = opts.max_iterations; thresh = opts.thresh; % Step 1 sig2_old = 0; sig2 = Inf; % Step 2a A = X(:,randperm(N,K)); % selecting K random timepoints to use as initial microstate maps A = bsxfun(@rdivide,A,sqrt(diag(A*A')));% normalising %% Iterations (step 3 to 6) ind = 0; while abs(sig2_old-sig2) >= thresh*sig2 && max_iterations>ind ind = ind + 1; sig2_old = sig2; % Step 3 Z = A'*X; [~,L] = max(Z.^2); % Step 4 for k = 1:K k_idx = L==k; if sum(k_idx)==0 % no members of this microstate A(:,k) = 0; else S = X(:,k_idx)*X(:,k_idx)'; %finding eigenvector with largest value and normalising it [eVecs,eVals] = eig(S,'vector'); [~,idx] = max(abs(eVals)); A(:,k) = eVecs(:,idx); A(:,k) = A(:,k)./sqrt(sum(A(:,k).^2)); end end % Step 5 sig2 = (const1 - sum(sum(A(:,L).*X).^2)) / (N*(C-1)); end %% Saving solution converged on (step 7 and 8) % Step 7 Z = A'*X; % NOTE, not setting non-activated microstates to zero [~,L] = max(Z.^2); % Step 8 sig2_D = const1 / (N*(C-1)); R2 = 1 - sig2/sig2_D; activations = zeros(size(Z)); for n=1:N; activations(L(n),n) = Z(L(n),n); end % setting to zero MSE = mean(mean((X-A*activations).^2)); end function [A,L,Z,sig2,R2,MSE,ind] = opt_segment(X,K,const1,opts) % New and optimised implementation of the Basic N-Microstate Algorithm, % as described in [2]. %% Initialising (step 1 and 2a 3) [C,N] = size(X); deltaZ = nan(N,1); % preallocating % Reading settings max_iterations = opts.max_iterations; thresh = opts.thresh; % Step 1 sig2_old = 0; sig2 = Inf; % Step 2a A = X(:,randperm(N,K)); % selecting K random timepoints to use as initial microstate maps A = bsxfun(@rdivide,A,sqrt(diag(A*A')));% normalising %% Iterations (step 3 to 6) ind = 0; while abs(sig2_old-sig2) >= thresh*sig2 && max_iterations>ind ind = ind + 1; sig2_old = sig2; % Find activations Z = A'*X; [~,L] = max(Z.^2); for n=1:N deltaZ(n) = Z(L(n),n); end % Find A for k = 1:K k_idx = L==k; if sum(k_idx)==0 % no members of this microstate A(:,k) = 0; else A(:,k) = X(:,k_idx)*deltaZ(k_idx); A(:,k) = A(:,k)./sqrt(sum(A(:,k).^2)); end end % Estimate residual noise sig2 = (const1 - sum(sum(A(:,L).*X).^2)) / (N*(C-1)); end %% Saving solution converged on (step 7 and 8) % Step 7 Z = A'*X; % NOTE, not setting non-activated microstates to zero [~,L] = max(Z.^2); % Step 8 sig2_D = const1 / (N*(C-1)); R2 = 1 - sig2/sig2_D; activations = zeros(size(Z)); for n=1:N; activations(L(n),n) = Z(L(n),n); end % setting to zero MSE = mean(mean((X-A*activations).^2)); end function [L,sig2,R2,MSE,ind] = smoothing(X,A,K,const1,opts) % Implementation of the Segmentation Smoothing Algorithm, as described in % Table II of [1]. Smoothes using the interval t-b to t+b excluding t. % Note, that temporary allocation of labels (denoted with Lambda in [1]) % is not necessary in this implementation, and steps 3 and 6 are therefore % left out. %% Initialisation (step 1 to 4) [C,N] = size(X); % Reading settings lambda = opts.lambda; b = opts.b; max_iterations = opts.max_iterations; thresh = opts.thresh; % Step 1 sig2_old = 0; sig2 = Inf; % Step 2 Z = A'*X; [~,L] = max(Z.^2); %Check to avoid the loop getting caught and switching one label back and % forth between iterations. L_old{1} = zeros(size(L)); L_old{2} = zeros(size(L)); % Step 4 e = (const1 - sum(sum(A(:,L).*X).^2)) / (N*(C-1)); % Defining constant for step 5b tmp = sum(X.^2); const_5b = (repmat(tmp,K,1) - Z.^2) / (2*e*(C-1)); clear tmp %% Iterations (step 5 to 8) ind = 0; while abs(sig2_old-sig2) >= thresh*sig2 && max_iterations>ind ... && mean(L_old{rem(ind,2)+1} == L)~=1 ind = ind + 1; sig2_old = sig2; L_old{abs(rem(ind,2)-2)} = L; % Step 5a Nbkt_tmp = zeros(K,N); for k = 1:K Nbkt_tmp(k,:) = double(L==k); end %using filter to count the number of labels equal to k before (tmp1) %and after (tmp2) a given timepoint. tmp1 = filter([0 ones(1,b)],1,Nbkt_tmp,[],2); tmp2 = filter([0 ones(1,b)],1,Nbkt_tmp(:,end:-1:1),[],2); Nbkt = tmp1 + tmp2(:,end:-1:1); % Step 5b [~,L] = min( const_5b - lambda*Nbkt ); % Step 7 sig2 = (const1 - sum(sum(A(:,L).*X).^2)) / (N*(C-1)); end % Step 10 sig2_D = const1 / (N*(C-1)); R2 = 1 - sig2/sig2_D; activations = zeros(size(Z)); for n=1:N; activations(L(n),n) = Z(L(n),n); end % setting to zero MSE = mean(mean((X-A*activations).^2)); end function C2 = columncorr(A,B) % Fast way to compute correlation of multiple pairs of vectors without % computing all pairs as would with corr(A,B). Borrowed from Oli at Stack % overflow. Note the resulting coefficients vary slightly from the ones % obtained from corr due differences in the order of the calculations. % (Differences are of a magnitude of 1e-9 to 1e-17 depending of the tested % data). An=bsxfun(@minus,A,mean(A,1)); Bn=bsxfun(@minus,B,mean(B,1)); An=bsxfun(@times,An,1./sqrt(sum(An.^2,1))); Bn=bsxfun(@times,Bn,1./sqrt(sum(Bn.^2,1))); C2=sum(An.*Bn,1); end function W = calc_dispersion(X,L,K) % Calculate dispersion. Same code as in calc_fitmeas.m Dk = nan(K,1); Nk = nan(K,1); for k = 1:K cluster = X(:,L==k); Nk(k) = size(cluster,2); clstrsq = dot(cluster,cluster,1); %sum of pair-wise distance between all maps of cluster k Dk(k) = sum(sum(bsxfun(@plus,clstrsq',clstrsq)-2*(cluster'*cluster))); end idx = Nk ~= 0; % in case of empty clusters W = (1./(2*Nk(idx)))' * Dk(idx); end