Reading time: about 3 minutes (627 words)

Configuration overview

This section provides an overview of all the possible configuration blocks in the SWARM_ROOT/data/config.php file. Click on any underlined item to see a detailed description.


While the syntax of this example is correct, it includes configuration values that cannot work. Ensure that you adjust the configuration appropriately for your Swarm installation before using this example in testing or production.

    return array(
        'activity' => array(
            'ignored_users' => array(
        'archives' => array(
            'max_input_size'    => 512 * 1024 * 1024, // 512M (in bytes)
            'archive_timeout'   => 1800,              // 30 minutes
            'compression_level' => 1,                 // 0-9
            'cache_lifetime'    => 60 * 60 * 24,      // 1 day
        'attachments' => array(
            'max_file_size'  => 0, // the maximum file size to accept in bytes
        'avatars' => array(
            'http_url'  => '{hash}?s={size}&d={default}',
            'https_url' => '{hash}?s={size}&d={default}',
        'depot_storage' => array(
            'base_path'  => '//depot_name',
        'diffs' => array(
            'ignore_whitespace_default'  => false,
            'max_diffs'                  => 1500,
        'environment' => array(
            'mode'         => 'production',
            'hostname'     => 'myswarm.hostname',
            'external_url' => null,
            'base_url'     => null,
        'files' => array(
            'max_size'         => 1048576,
            'download_timeout' => 1800,
        'groups' => array(
            'super_only'  => true,
        'http_client_options'   => array(
            'timeout'   => 5,
            'hosts'     => array(),
        'jira' => array(
            'host'      => '',
            'user'      => '',
            'password'  => '',
            'job_field' => '',
        'log' => array(
            'priority'  => 5,
        'mail' => array(
            // 'recipients' => array('user@my.domain'),
            'notify_self'   => false,
            'transport' => array(
                'host' => '',
        'mentions' => array(
            'mode'  => 'global',
            'usersBlacklist'  => array('super', 'swarm-admin'), 
        'notifications' => array(
            'honor_p4_reviews'      => false,
            'opt_in_review_path'    => '//depot/swarm',
            'disable_change_emails' => false,
        'p4' => array(
            'port'      => 'my-helix-versioning-engine:1666',
            'user'      => 'admin_userid',
            'password'  => 'admin user ticket or password',
            'slow_command_logging' => array(
                10 => array('print', 'shelve', 'submit', 'sync', 'unshelve'),
            'max_changelist_files' => 1000,
            'auto_register_url'    => true,
        'projects' => array(
            'mainlines' => array(
                'main', 'mainline', 'master', 'trunk',
            'add_admin_only'           => false,
            'add_groups_only'          => array(),
            'edit_name_admin_only'     => false,
            'edit_branches_admin_only' => false,
            'readme_mode'              => 'restricted',
            'sidebar_sort_field'       => 'name',
        'queue'  => array(
            'workers'             => 3,    // defaults to 3
            'worker_lifetime'     => 595,  // defaults to 10 minutes (less 5 seconds)
            'worker_task_timeout' => 1800, // defaults to 30 minutes
            'worker_memory_limit' => '1G', // defaults to 1 gigabyte
        'reviews' => array(
            'patterns' => array(
                // #review or #review-1234 with surrounding whitespace/eol
                'octothorpe'      => array(
                    'regex'  => '/(?P<pre>\s+|^)'
                             .  '\#(?P<keyword>review)(?:-(?P<id>[0-9]+))?'
                             .  '(?P<post>\s+|$)/i',
                    'spec'   => '%pre%#%keyword%-%id%%post%',
                    'insert' => "%description%\n\n#review-%id%",
                    'strip'  => '/^\s*\#review(-[0-9]+)?(\s+|$)'
                             .  '|(\s+|^)\#review(-[0-9]+)?\s*$/i',

                // [review] or [review-1234] at start
                'leading-square'  => array(
                    'regex' => '/^(?P<pre>\s*)'
                            .  '\[(?P<keyword>review)(?:-(?P<id>[0-9]+))?\]'
                            .  '(?P<post>\s*)/i',
                    'spec'  => '%pre%[%keyword%-%id%]%post%',

                // [review] or [review-1234] at end
                'trailing-square' => array(
                    'regex' => '/(?P<pre>\s*)'
                            .  '\[(?P<keyword>review)(?:-(?P<id>[0-9]+))?\]'
                            .  '(?P<post>\s*)?$/i',
                    'spec'  => '%pre%[%keyword%-%id%]%post%',
            'commit_timeout'       => 1800, // 30 minutes
            'disable_commit'       => true,
            'disable_self_approve' => false,
            'commit_credit_author' => true,
            'ignored_users'        => array(),
            'unapprove_modified'   => true,
            'allow_author_change'  => true,
            'sync_descriptions'    => true,
        'search' => array(
            'maxlocktime'     => 5000, // 5 seconds, in milliseconds
            'p4_search_host'  => '',   // optional URL to Helix Search Tool
        'security'  => array(
            'disable_system_info'      => false,
            'email_restricted_changes' => false,
            'emulate_ip_protections'   => true,
            'https_port'               => null,
            'https_strict'             => false,
            'https_strict_redirect'    => true,
            'prevent_login'            => array(),
            'require_login'            => true,
        'session'  => array(
            'cookie_lifetime'             => 0, // 0=expire when browser closed
            'gc_maxlifetime'              => 60*60*24*30, // 30 days
            'remembered_cookie_lifetime'  => 60*60*24*30, // 30 days
        'short_links' => array(
            'hostname'     => '',
            'external_url' => '',

        'xhprof' => array(
            'slow_time'      => 3,
            'ignored_routes' => array('download', 'imagick', 'libreoffice', 'worker'),


The Swarm configuration file does not include PHP's standard closing tag (?>). This is intentional as it prevents unintentional whitespace from being introduced into Swarm's output, which would interfere with Swarm's ability to control HTTP headers. Debugging problems that result from unintentional whitespace can be challenging, since the resulting behavior and error messages often appear to be misleading.