% File: spconf.sty (LaTeX Document style option "spconf")
% Usage: \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage{spconf}
% Or for LaTeX 2.09:
% Usage: \documentstyle[...,spconf,...]{article}
% Purpose:
% Style file for Signal Processing Society Conferences (ICASSP, ICIP).
% Features:
% - correct page size (175mm x 226mm)
% - twocolumn format
% - boldfaced, numbered, and centered section headings
% - correct subsection and subsubsection headings
% - use \title{xx} for title, will be typeset all uppercase
% - use \name{xx} for author name(s) only, will be typeset in italics
% - use \address{xx} for one address of all authors
% - use \twoauthors{author1}{address1}{author2}{address2}
% for two (or more) authors with two separate addresses
% - note: no need for \author nor \date
% - optional: can use \thanks{xx} within \name or \twoauthors,
% asterisk is not printed after name nor in footnote
% - optional: can use \sthanks{xx} after each name within \name or
% \twoauthors if different thanks for each author,
% footnote symbol will appear for each name and footnote
% - optional: use \ninept to typeset text in 9 pt; default is 10pt.
% Example of use for one or more authors at a common address and
% common support. For distinct support acknowledgments,
% use \sthanks{xx} after each name.
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage{spconf}
% \title{Title of the paper}
% \name{George P. Burdell and John Q. Professor
% \thanks{This work was supported by...}}
% \address{Common address, department \\
% City, etc \\
% optional e-mail address}
% \begin{document}
% OPTIONAL --> \ninept <-- OPTIONAL, for nine pt only
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
% This is the abstract for my paper.
% \end{abstract}
% .
% Insert text of paper
% .
% \end{document}
% Example of use for two authors at two distinct addresses with only
% one support acknowledgment. For distinct support acknowledgments,
% use \sthanks{xx} after each name.
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage{spconf}
% \title{Title of the paper}
% \twoauthors{John Doe
% \thanks{This work was supported by...}}
% {Doe's address, department \\
% City, etc \\
% optional e-mail address}
% {Judy Smith}
% {Smith's address, department \\
% City, etc \\
% optional e-mail address}
% \begin{document}
% OPTIONAL --> \ninept <-- OPTIONAL, for nine pt only
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
% This is the abstract for my paper.
% \end{abstract}
% .
% Insert text of paper
% .
% \end{document}
% Preprint Option (Only for preprints, not for submissions!):
% - can create a preprint titlepage footer by using the
% "preprint" option with the \usepackage{spconf} command
% - use \copyrightnotice{\copyright xx} for copyright information
% - use \toappear{To appear in xx} for publication name
% Example of preprint use:
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage[preprint]{spconf}
% .
% \copyrightnotice{\copyright\ IEEE 2000}
% \toappear{To appear in {\it Proc.\ ICASSP2000,
% June 05-09, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey}}
% Author: Stephen Martucci -- stephen.martucci@ieee.org
% Date: 3 May 2000
% Updated: Lance Cotton, Ulf-Dietrich Braumann, 11 May 2006
% Change: Added keywords/Index Terms section
% Change: Added \emergencystretch=11pt, Lance Cotton, 26-Sept-2007
% These commands change default text fonts to the scalable PostScript
% fonts Times, Helvetica, and Courier. However, they do not change
% the default math fonts. After conversion to PDF, text will look good
% at any scale but math symbols and equations may not.
% If instead you use the PostScript Type 1 implementation of the
% Computer Modern fonts from the American Mathematical Society, which
% will make all fonts (text and math) scalable, comment out the
% following three lines. Those fonts use the same metrics as the Knuth
% Computer Modern fonts and therefore no font redefinition is needed.
%\oddsidemargin -0.31in
%\evensidemargin -0.31in
\oddsidemargin -6.2truemm
\evensidemargin -6.2truemm
\topmargin 0truept
\headheight 0truept
\headsep 0truept
%\footheight 0truept
%\footskip 0truept
\textheight 229truemm
\textwidth 178truemm
\columnsep 6truemm
\else \newpage
\global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle \fi\@thanks
\vskip 2em \begin{center}
{\large \bf \@title \par} \vskip 1.5em {\large \lineskip .5em
\begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@name \\ \@address
\end{tabular}\par} \end{center}
\vskip 1.5em}
\def\name#1{\gdef\@name{{\em #1}\\}}
\gdef\@title{\uppercase{title of paper}}
\gdef\@name{{\em Name of author}\\}
\gdef\@address{Address - Line 1 \\
Address - Line 2 \\
Address - Line 3}
{\em #1} \\ \\
\end{tabular}\hskip 1in\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}
{\em #3} \\ \\
\refstepcounter{#1}\edef\@svsec{\csname the#1\endcsname.\hskip 0.6em}
\begingroup \ifnum #2=1\bf\centering
{\interlinepenalty \@M
\@svsec\uppercase{#8}\par}\else\ifnum #2=2\bf
\noindent{\interlinepenalty \@M \@svsec #8\par}\else\it
\noindent{\interlinepenalty \@M
\@svsec #8\par}\fi\fi\endgroup
\csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}\addcontentsline
{toc}{#1}{\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname} #7}
\@tempskipa #5\relax
{\bf ABSTRACT\vspace{-.5em}\vspace{0pt}}
% Keyword section, added by Lance Cotton, adapted from IEEEtrans, corrected by Ulf-Dietrich Braumann
{\bfseries\textit{Index Terms}---\,\relax%
\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}
\vskip 10pt
\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#1. #2}
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize #1. #2\par \else \hbox
\def\fnum@figure{{\bf Fig.\ \thefigure}}
\def\fnum@table{{\bf Table \thetable}}
%%%% EOF
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
13172 |
tsal |
Release of paper package |