function [Am,Vm,bm,Bm,taum,loglikm,mhjumps,logpm] = gibbsvoigt(X,K,M,varargin) % GIBBSVOIGT Pseudo-voigt source seperation Gibbs sampler % % Usage % [Am,Vm,bm,Bm,taum,loglikm,mhjumps,logpm] = gibbsvoigt(X,N,M,[options]) % % Input % X Data matrix (W x N) % K Number of Voigt components % M Number of samples to compute % options % alpha Prior for A (default 0) formula (7) % muc Value of prior for c (default zeros(K,1)) formula (8) % tauc Value of prior for c (default zeros(K,1)) formula (8) % mug Value of prior for gamma (default 10*ones(K,1)) formula (8) % taug Value of prior for gamma (default 0.5*ones(K,1)) formula (8) % mub Value of prior for b (default 0.5) formula (9) % taub Value of prior for b (default 10) formula (9) % muB Value of prior for B (default 0.5) formula (9) % tauB Value of prior for B (default 10) formula (9) % atau Prior for atau (default 0) formula (12a) % btau Prior for btau (default 0) formula (12a) % % A Initial value for A (K x N) % V Initial value for V (3 x K) % b Initial value for A (1 x N) % B Initial value for B (1 x W) % tau Initial value for precision (default 1) % % chains Number of chains to run (default 1) % skip Number of initial samples to skip (default 100) % stride Return every n'th sample (default 1) % mhstep Steps to use for MH sampler (1 x 3) % % gpu Use GPU to calculate inference (logical) % gpuprec Floating point precision to use on gpu (matlab type string) % % nA Do not sample from these columns of A (K x 1 logical) % nV Do not sample from these voigts V (K x 1 logical) % nb Do not sample from b (logical) % nB Do not sample from B (logical) % ns Do not sample from tau (logical) % % Output % Am Samples of A (K x N x M) % Vm Samples of A (3 x K x M) % bm Samples of n (M x N) % Bm Samples of B (M x W) % taum Samples of taum (M x 1) % % Authors % Mikkel N. Schmidt, % Tommy S. Alstrøm % DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark. % % Method described in the paper % A pseudo-Voigt component model for high-resolution recovery of % constituent spectra in Raman spectroscopy, Alstrøm et al, IEEE 2017 % International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing % (ICASSP 2017) % Copyright DTU Compute [W,N] = size(X); opts = mgetopt(varargin); alpha = updim(mgetopt(opts, 'alpha', zeros(K,N)),[K N]); atau = mgetopt(opts, 'atau', 0); btau = mgetopt(opts, 'btau', 0); taub = mgetopt(opts, 'taub', 10); mub = mgetopt(opts, 'mub', 0.5); tauB = mgetopt(opts, 'tauB', 10); muB = mgetopt(opts, 'muB', 0.5); muc = mgetopt(opts, 'muc', zeros(K,1)); tauc = mgetopt(opts, 'tauc', zeros(K,1)); mug = mgetopt(opts, 'mug', 10*ones(K,1)); taug = mgetopt(opts, 'taug', 0.5*ones(K,1)); A0 = mgetopt(opts, 'A', rand(K,N)); b0 = mgetopt(opts, 'b', rand(1,N)); B0 = mgetopt(opts, 'B', rand(1,W)); V0 = mgetopt(opts, 'V', [W*rand(K,1) repmat([10 0.5],K,1)]); tau0 = mgetopt(opts, 'tau', 1); chains = mgetopt(opts, 'chains', 1); stride = mgetopt(opts, 'stride', 1); skip = mgetopt(opts, 'skip', 0); nA = mgetopt(opts, 'nA', false(K,1)); nb = mgetopt(opts, 'nb', false); nB = mgetopt(opts, 'nB', false); nV = mgetopt(opts, 'nV', false(K,1)); nt = mgetopt(opts, 'nt', false); gpuprec = mgetopt(opts, 'gpuprec', 'single'); gpu = mgetopt(opts, 'gpu', false); mhstep = mgetopt(opts, 'mhstep', [0.1 0.01 0.001]); Am = zeros(K,N,M*chains); bm = zeros(M*chains,N); Bm = zeros(M*chains,W); Vm = zeros(K,3,M*chains); logpm = zeros(M*chains,1); loglikm = zeros(M*chains,1); taum = zeros(M*chains,1); WW = 1:W; mhjumps(K,1) = 0; muv = [muc mug]; tauv = [tauc taug]; if gpu Am = gpuArray(cast(Am,gpuprec)); Bm = gpuArray(cast(Bm,gpuprec)); taum = gpuArray(cast(taum,gpuprec)); A0 = gpuArray(cast(A0,gpuprec)); B0 = gpuArray(cast(B0,gpuprec)); X = gpuArray(cast(X,gpuprec)); end fVoigt = any(~nV); floglik = fVoigt || ~nt || true; fXAV = floglik || ~nB || ~nb; for r = 1:chains A = A0; % Voigt weigths b = b0; % Background signal weights B = B0; % Background signal V = V0; % Voigt parameters tau = tau0; loglik_old = -inf; loglik = NaN; VW = voigt(V,WW); % Full voigts VV = VW*VW'; VX = VW*X; Bb = B'*b; bl_ = zeros(1,N); Al_ = zeros(1,N); Bl_ = zeros(1,W); for m = 1:M for i = 1:skip*(m==1)+stride*(m>1) VBb = VW*Bb; for k = 1:K if ~nA(k) % sample a's (voigt weights with gibbs) kk = [1:k-1 k+1:K]; tau_ = tau*VV(k,k); if K==1 mu_ = (tau*(VX-VBb)-alpha)/tau_; else mu_ = (tau*(VX(k,:)-VBb(k,:)-VV(k,kk)*A(kk,:))-alpha(k,:))/tau_; end A(k,:) = randr(mu_, 1/tau_, Al_); end end if fXAV XAV = X-VW'*A; end % sample background if ~nb tau_ = taub+tau*(B*B'); mu_ = (tau*B*XAV+taub*mub)/tau_; b = randr(mu_, 1/tau_, bl_); end if ~nB tau_ = tauB+tau*(b*b'); mu_ = (tau*b*XAV'+tauB*muB)/tau_; B = randr(mu_, 1/tau_, Bl_); end if( ~nB || ~nb ) % update background Bb = B'*b; end % sample noise if floglik innerloglik = 0.5*sum(sum((XAV-Bb).^2)); loglik = W*N/2*log(tau)-tau*innerloglik; end if ~nt aa = (W*N)/2+atau; bb = btau + innerloglik; tau = gamrnd(aa, 1/bb); end if fVoigt % update loglik loglik_old = -tau*innerloglik; mhrands = rand(K,1); end for k = 1:K if ~nV(k) % sample max 10 times before valid sample is obtained for ii=1:10 Vnew = V(k,:)+randn(1,3).*mhstep; if Vnew(3)>1 || Vnew(1)>W || any(Vnew<0) continue; end break end if Vnew(3)>1 || Vnew(1)>W || any(Vnew<0) continue; end VW_ = VW; VW_(k,:) = voigt(Vnew,WW); % Full voigts % prior difference term prior = sum(-tauv(k,:).*(Vnew(1:2).^2-V(k,1:2).^2 ... -2*muv(k,:).*(Vnew(1:2)-V(k,1:2)))); loglik_new = -tau*0.5*sum(sum((X-VW_'*A-Bb).^2)); loglik_old = -tau*0.5*sum(sum((X-VW'*A-Bb).^2)); if( exp(loglik_new-loglik_old+prior) > mhrands(k) ) V(k,:) = Vnew; VW(k,:) = VW_(k,:); loglik_old = loglik_new; mhjumps(k) = mhjumps(k) + 1; else fail.ratio = exp(loglik_new-loglik_old+prior); fail.lognew = loglik_new; fail.logold = loglik_old; fail.prior = prior; fail.Vnew = Vnew; fail.Vold = V(k,:); end end end end iRM = m+(r-1)*M; Am(:,:,iRM) = A; bm(iRM,:) = b; Bm(iRM,:) = B; Vm(:,:,iRM) = V; taum(iRM) = tau; logpm(iRM) = loglik_old; loglikm(iRM) = loglik; end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function X = updim(x, dim) % UPDIM Replicate and tile an array % % Usage % X = updim(x, dim) % Copyright 2007 Mikkel N. Schmidt,, dimx = zeros(size(dim)); for k = 1:length(dim), dimx(k) = size(x,k); end dim(dim==dimx) = 1; X = repmat(x,dim); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function x = randr(m, s, l) % RANDR Random numbers from % p(x)=K*exp(-(x-m)^2/s-l'x), x>=0 % % Usage % x = randr(m,s,l) % Copyright 2007 Mikkel N. Schmidt,, if isa(m,'gpuArray') m = gather(m); s = gather(s); end A = (l.*s-m)./(sqrt(2*s)); a = A>26; %else x = zeros(size(m),'like',m); y = rand(size(m),'like',m); %end x(a) = -log(y(a))./((l(a).*s-m(a))./s); R = erfc(abs(A(~a))); x(~a) = erfcinv(y(~a).*R-(A(~a)<0).*(2*y(~a)+R-2)).*sqrt(2*s)+m(~a)-l(~a).*s; x(isnan(x)) = 0; x(x<0) = 0; x(isinf(x)) = 0; x = real(x); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function out = mgetopt(varargin) % MGETOPT Parser for optional arguments % % Usage % Get alpha parameter structure from 'varargin' % opts = mgetopt(varargin); % % Get and parse alpha parameter: % var = mgetopt(opts, varname, default); % opts: parameter structure % varname: name of variable % default: default value if variable is not set % % var = mgetopt(opts, varname, default, command, argument); % command, argument: % String in set: % 'instrset', {'str1', 'str2', ... } % % Example % function y = myfun(x, varargin) % ... % opts = mgetopt(varargin); % parm1 = mgetopt(opts, 'parm1', 0) % ... % Copyright 2007 Mikkel N. Schmidt,, if nargin==1 if isempty(varargin{1}) out = struct; elseif isstruct(varargin{1}) out = varargin{1}{:}; elseif isstruct(varargin{1}{1}) out = varargin{1}{1}; else out = cell2struct(varargin{1}(2:2:end),varargin{1}(1:2:end),2); end elseif nargin>=3 opts = varargin{1}; varname = varargin{2}; default = varargin{3}; validation = varargin(4:end); if isfield(opts, varname) out = opts.(varname); else out = default; end for narg = 1:2:length(validation) cmd = validation{narg}; arg = validation{narg+1}; switch cmd case 'instrset', if ~any(strcmp(arg, out)) fprintf(['Wrong argument %sigma = ''%sigma'' - ', ... 'Using default : %sigma = ''%sigma''\n'], ... varname, out, varname, default); out = default; end case 'dim' if ~all(size(out)==arg) fprintf(['Wrong argument dimension: %sigma - ', ... 'Using default.\n'], ... varname); out = default; end otherwise, error('Wrong option: %sigma.', cmd); end end end